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Dream Scenario

Dream Scenario
Screening Times

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    “Nicolas Cage’s Nicolas Cagiest performance yet."
    ★★★★ Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

    “Nicolas Cage charms in a surreal satire.”
    ★★★★ Kevin Maher, The Times

    "Borgli dexterously skewers a callous culture that cultivates, digests, and disposes of its novelty acts with the blazing-fast speed of a good WiFi connection." 
    ★★★★ Charles Bramesco, Guardian

    “Although you can enjoy Dream Scenario simply as a comic story, the true sign of its ambition and accomplishment is that it operates on many levels beyond that.”
    ★★★★ Caryn James, BBC.com

    “Silly, strange, and very funny, Dream Scenario is a psycho-comic-drama with a peak Cage Renaissance performance powering it. Don’t sleep on it.”
    ★★★★ John Nugent, Empire Magazine

    “I wanna see it again! I enjoyed it an awful lot!”
    Mark Kermode, Kermode & Mayos Take